Posting disclaimers on your website or app can help your company protect itself against legal claims by addressing liabilities specific to your operations.

Although businesses, websites, and apps in all industries can benefit from the legal protection a disclaimer statement offers, they’re especially useful if your platform manages:

  • Affiliate relationships
  • Customer testimonials
  • Legal advice
  • Medical advice
  • Financial advice
  • Giveaways
  • Email newsletters
  • Sponsored posts
  • Entertainment
  • Offensive content/material

In this guide, we’ve put together the most common disclaimer statement examples and explain how they benefit your business.

If you’re ready to download and customize a disclaimer, check out our disclaimer template or let us do the work for you with our free disclaimer generator.

Table of Contents
  1. What Is a Disclaimer Statement?
  2. When Do You Need a Disclaimer?
  3. Benefits of Disclaimers
  4. Disclaimer Examples
  5. How To Write a Disclaimer
  6. Disclaimer FAQs
  7. Summary

What Is a Disclaimer Statement?

A disclaimer statement lets your website or app users know that you’ve limited what you can be held responsible for in certain situations they should be aware of.

Even though disclaimer statements do not necessarily prevent users from taking legal action against you, it’s an easy and inexpensive way to limit what your company can and can’t be held liable for in a court of law.

If there are any inaccuracies, vague statements, or misleading content on your website or app, even unintentionally, a disclaimer statement may help deflect or limit your legal responsibilities.

Some disclaimers appear as independent, stand-alone pages on your site. Other times they can be found as clauses within other legal agreements, including your: